
Infrastructure: ACT NOW!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Your calls, emails, and postcards to Congress are making a difference. Thank you! But we need one more push. The House promised us a vote on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill tomorrow - Thursday, September 30.

Make sure Congress keeps their promise. Urge your Representative to vote YES on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill NOW. Our jobs and our nation's infrastructure must not be held hostage while debate continues on the House reconciliation package.

It is urgent that you click the link above and/or call your Representative TODAY at (202) 224-3121 and ask them to pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill now.

Please watch the video, share it with your friends, and take action.

LIUNA Members Fighting For the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

This is a bold investment that will put food on the table for union members and restore our nation's infrastructure.

Please make a call to Congress right now and urge your Representative to support the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill. The number is (202) 224-3121.

You can also use our easy tool to contact your member of Congress by email by clicking here to send a message.

It is not often that an infrastructure proposal of this magnitude is given serious consideration by Congress.This is a huge opportunity to rebuild our country and equally important for this union. Congress needs to hear from you.

Please join your brothers and sisters in speaking out NOW. Once again, please call (202) 224-3121 or click here to send an email and urge your Representative to support the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill.

Thank you for everything you do to make this union strong.


Terry O'Sullivan
General President